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Электронный компонент: PC-412LVS

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Virtual Instrument software
for PC-411/412 Multifunction I/O Boards
Supports DATEL's PC-411/412 multifunction I/O boards
Runs under Microsoft Windows, uses Dynamic Data
Exchange for interprocess communications
Adaptable to all LabVIEW applications
Easy-to-use visual programming environment
Eliminates low level software development
Interactive, customizable front panel controls
Integrates data acquisition, processing, display, and
storage in real time
Supports all analog output and digital I/O functions
National Instruments' LabVIEW transforms the PC-411/412
multifunction I/O boards into easy-to-use virtual instruments
(VI's) that acquire, analyze, display, store, and generate
analog and digital signals in real time. Low level software
development is replaced by an intuitive visual programming
system that harnesses all the power of Microsoft Windows-
graphic user interface (GUI), access to more host memory,
multi-tasking, and inter-process communications. Applications
include process monitoring, laboratory automation, control,
automatic test, manufacturing, education, and research.
The PC-411 is an analog input board for IBM-PC, PC/XT, PX/
AT, and compatible computers that accepts 16 single-ended
or 8 differential input signals and digitizes them up to 12 or 14-
bit resolution. Both models offer 8 digital inputs and 8 digital
outputs for external logic devices.
LabVIEW's feature-rich program development system
combined with DATEL's library of VI functions for the PC-411/
412 provide the essential building blocks to create any
conceivable LabVIEW application. Access to expanded and
virtual memory means that more comprehensive application
programs can be developed and larger amounts of A/D data
can be collected and analyzed. Data and results can be
passed using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to other
Windows tasks that are running simultaneously.
Figure 1. PC-412LV LabVIEW System Diagram
Graphical programming works like a flowchart - when the
flowchart is complete, the program is done. PC-412LV
creates a library of fast, simple, highly modular VI functions for
the PC-411/412 that do not sacrifice board performance.. The
user builds VI's to configure the data acquisition hardware,
process the data, and ultimately display and store that data
without writing programs. Similar Vi's can be created to
update the analog output channels and to read and write the
digital I/O ports. All VI's are assembled graphically using a
mouse and can be edited at any time to modify functionality or
PC-412LV offloads as much programming as possible into the
LabVIEW environment so the user has maximum control.
Non-stop, seamless data acquisition continues on the PC-411/
412 while LabVIEW simultaneously maintains the GUI and
handles the A/D data stream in real time. Easily customized,
interactive user interfaces can be created from the vast library
of front panel controls and displays offered by LabVIEW.
PC-412LV includes extensive Dynamic Linked Library (DLL)
functions that perform the PC-411/412 low level hardware
control and monitor operations transparently. The software
avoids any conditions which would lock up the system due to
incorrect user programming. It provides VI functions that poll
PC-411/412 status flags independent of, and simultaneous
A m p l i t u d e
T i m e b a s e
I n p u t C h a n n e l
I n p u t S i g n a l
L a b V I E W
W i n d o w s
P C - 4 1 1 / 4 1 2
A / D , D / A , a n d D i g i t a l
I / O B o a r d
A n a l o g
a n d
D i g i t a l
I / O
H o s t C o m p u t e r
S t a r t /
S t o p
L a b V I E W
R e a l T i m e
D i s p l a y
I n i t i a l i z e
P C - 4 1 1 / 4 1 2
S t a r t
A / D
R e a d
S t o p
S t a r t
L o o p
F r o n t P a n e l C o n t r o l s
V i s u a l P r o g r a m m i n g D i a g r a m
DATEL, Inc., Mansfield, MA 02048 (USA)
Tel: (508)339-3000, (800)233-2765 Fax: (508)339-6356
DATEL, Inc., Mansfield, MA 02048 (USA)
Tel: (508)339-3000, (800)233-2765 Fax: (508)339-6356
Figure 2. Typical PC-412LV Visual Program
All software is supplied on 3.5 inch MS-DOS diskettes.
LabVIEW virtual instrument library software for DATEL's PC-411 and PC-412 A/D, D/A, and digital I/O
boards. Executable files only. Includes user manual. Requires LabVIEW on host.
Full commented "C" source code to PC-411LV. Borland C++ v3.1 and Watcom 9.01 compilers are used.
Requires LabVIEW on host.
Related products:
Multifunction I/O board (A/D, D/A, Digital I/O) for IBM-PC, PC/XT, PC/AT, and compatibles - see data
MS-DOS data acquisition and control software for the PC-411 and PC-412 boards. Executable files only.
MS-DOS full source code to PC-411SET.
Free QuickBASIC disk on request. Please contact the Subsystems Application Department.
Channel expansion multiplexer board, 32S/16D channels, see data sheet for details.
Screw terminal block, 490A is 9-pin, 490B is 25-pin.
LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft
IBM-PC/AT is a trademark of IBM Corp.
with, data transfer to host memory. The user stays in control
as long as LabVIEW continues to execute correctly. The multi-
window, visual programming environment facilitates building
and accessing hierarchical VI programs. Multi-tasking allows
context switches to other concurrent Windows applications
without disrupting PC-411/412 operation or control.
The system optimizes two concurrent processes - PC-411/412
data acquisition while LabVIEW further processes or stores
the uploaded data stream. The entire PC-411/412-LabVIEW
combination uses only a few VI functions that are easy to
understand and incorporate into a "block diagram" program.
The basic concept is to initialize the PC-411/412 hardware,
reset to FIFO A/D memory, monitor the FIFO and data
acquisition flags, and upload blocks of data to LabVIEW
memory buffers on the host. These data blocks can then be
further processed as screen displays, indicators, graphs, sent
to printers or plotters, or simply archived to disk file for later
analysis. The A/D continues running and no data will be lost
as long as LabVIEW uploads the A/D data faster than the data
is being acquired.
Virtual Instrument Library
In summary, PC-412LV includes the following VI functions:
Initialize the PC-411/412 hardware-
model, I/O base address, FIFO size,
input voltage range, and single-ended/
differential input configurations.
A/D Calibration
A/D self-calibration procedure.
Write DAC's
Update the analog output channels -
single channel or simultaneously.
Read/write 8-bit digital words from/to
the digital input/output port.
Operating Mode
Specify A/D trigger source, trigger rate,
sample rate, input channel, sample
block length.
Clear FIFO
Reset/clear the contents of the FIFO.
Read a block of A/D data from the FIFO
on the PC-411/412 and fill a LabVIEW
Start/Stop A/D
Enable and disable the A/D.
Read Status
Read Hardware status flags - FIFO
empty/half full/full flags and data
acquisition done flag.
Unravel a multi-channel data buffer and
extract data from one channel only-
similar to decimation except only one
channel is extracted.
PC-411/412 Demo
Complete data acquisition
demonstration VI, including real time
signal display.