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Электронный компонент: 290A

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Low Cost
Isolated Power Supply: +13V dc @ +5mA (290A) or 15mA
Low Nonlinearity: 0.1% @ 10V pk-pk Output
High Gain Stability: 0.001 %/1000 Hours; 0.01%/
Small Size: 1.5" x 1.5" x 0.62"
Range: 20V pk-pk
Low Input Offset Voltage Drift: 10
C (Gain = 100V/V)
Wide Input/Output Dynamic Range: 20V pk-pk
High CMV Isolation: 1500V dc, Continuous
Wide Gain Range: 1 to 100V/V
Multichannel Capability Using External Oscillator (292A)
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with 20V pk-pk input signal range at a gain of 1V/V operation. In
portable single or multichannel designs, single power supply
operation (+8V to +16V) enables battery operation.
Isolated Power: Dual l3V dc output, completely isolated from the
input power terminals (1500V dc isolation), provides the capability
to excite floating signal conditioners, front end buffer amplifiers and
remote transducers such as thermistors or bridges.
Adjustable Gain: Models 290A and 292A adjustable gain offers
compatibility with a wide class of input signals. A single external
resistor enables gain adjustment from 1V/V to 100V/V providing
flexibility in both high level transducer interfacing as well as low level
sensor measurement applications.
Floating, Guarded Front-End: The input stage of models 290A and
292A can directly accept floating differential signals or it may be
configured as a high performance instrumentation front-end to accept
signals having CMV with respect to input power common.
High Reliability: Models 290A and 292A are conservatively
designed, compact modules, capable of reliable operation in harsh
environments. They have a calculated MTBF of over 400,000
hours and are designed to meet MIL-STD-202E environmental
testing as well as the IEEE Standard for Transient Voltage
Protection (472-1974: Surge Withstand Capability).
Models 290A and 292A are low cost, compact, isolation amplifiers that
are optimized for single and multichannel industrial applications,
respectively. The model 290A has a self-contained oscillator and is
intended for single channel applications. A single external
synchronizing oscillator can drive up to 16 model 292A's or, a virtually
limitless number of model 292A's can be configured using multiple
oscillators. The user can supply the external oscillator circuit or specify
model 281 oscillator module, which includes a voltage regulator for
operation over a wide single supply voltage range of +8V to +28V.
Models 290A and 292A design features include: adjustable gain, from
1 to 100V/V, dual isolated power, l3V dc, 1500V dc off ground
isolation, l00dB minimum CMR at 60Hz, 1k
source imbalance, in a
compact 1.5" X 1.5" X 0.6" module. Models 290A and 292A achieve
low input noise of l
V pk-pk (10Hz bandwidth, G = 100V/V),
nonlinearity of 0.1% @ 10V pk-pk output, and an input/output
dynamic range of 20V pk-pk.
Using modulation techniques with reliable transformer isolation,
models 290A and 292A will interrupt ground loops, leakage paths, and
voltage transients, while providing dc to 2kHz (-3dB) response.
Industrial Applications: In data acquisition systems, computer
interface systems, process signal isolators and high CMV
instrumentation, models 290A and 292A offer complete galvanic
isolation and protection against damage from transients and fault
voltages. High level transducer interface capability is afforded
Ground Loop Elimination in Industrial and Process
Control High Voltage Protection in Data Acquisition
Fetal Heart Biomedical and Monitoring Instrumentation
Off -Ground Signal Measurements
1400 Providence Highway, Building #2
Norwood, MA 02062
Phone (781) 551-5500
FAX (781) 551-5555
Low Cost Single and
Multichannel Isolation Amplifier
Models 290A, 292A