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1400 Providence Highway, Building #2
Norwood, MA 02062
Phone (781) 551-5500
FAX (781) 551-5555
Complete, No External Components Needed
Small Size: 1.1 " x 1.1 " x 0.4" Module
Input: 0 to +10V; Output: 4 to 20mA
Low Drift: 0.005%/
C max; Nonlinearity: 0.005% max
Wide Temperature Range: -25
C to +85
Single Supply: +10V to +32V
Meets ISA Std 50.1 for Type 3, Class L and U, Nonisolated
Current Loop Transmitters
Industrial Instrumentation and Control Systems
D/A Converter - Current Loop Interface
Analog Transmitters and Controllers
Remote Data Acquisition Systems
Model 2B20 is a complete, modular voltage-to-current converter
providing the user with a convenient way to produce a current output
signal which is proportional to the voltage input. The nominal input
voltage range is 0 to +10V. The output current range is 4 to 20mA into
a grounded load.
Featuring low drift (0.005%/
C max, 2B20B) over the -25
C to +85
temperature range and single supply operation (+10V to +32V), model
2B20 is available in two accuracy grades. The 2B20B offers precision
performance with nonlinearity error of 0.005% (max) and guaranteed
low offset error of 0.1% max and span error of 0.2% max, without
external trims. The 2B20A is an economical solution for applications
with lesser accuracy requirements, featuring nonlinearity error of
0.025% (max), offset error of 0.4% (max), span error of 0.6%
(max), and span stability of 0.01%/
C max.
The 2B20 is contained in a small (1.1" x 1.1" x 0.4"), rugged, epoxy
encapsulated package. For maximum versatility, two signal input
and V
) and two reference input (REF
and REF
terminals are provided. Utilizing terminals V
and REF
eliminates the need for any external components, since offset and
span are internally calibrated. If higher accuracy (up to 0.01%) is
required, inputs V
and REF
with series trim potentiometers
may be utilized.
Model 2B20 has been designed for applications in process control and
monitoring systems to transmit information between subsystems or
separated system elements. The 2B20 can serve as a transmission link
between such elements of process control system as
transmitters, indicators, controllers, recorders, computers, actuators
and signal conditioners.
In a typical application, model 2B20 may act as an interface between
the D/A converter output of a microcomputer-based system and a
process control device such as a variable position valve. Another
typical application of the 2B20 may be as a current output stage of a
proportional controller to interface devices such as current-to-position
converters and current-to-pneumatic transducers.
Process Signal Compatibility: To provide output signal
compatibility, the 2B20 meets the requirements of the Instrument
Society of America Standard S50.1, "Compatibility of Analog Signals
for Electronic Industrial Process Instruments" for Type 3, Class L and
U, nonisolated current loop transmitters.
External Reference Use: For increased flexibility, when ratiometric
operation is desired, the 2B20 offers a capability of connecting an
external reference (i.e., from multiplying D/A converter) to the REF
Wide Power Supply Range: A wide power supply range (+10V to
+32V dc) allows for operation with either a +12V battery, a +15V
powered data acquisition system, or a +24V powered process control
High Performance, 4-20mA Output
Voltage-to-Current Converter