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Электронный компонент: MB90F456SPMT

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16-bit Proprietary Microcontroller
MC-16LX MB90455 Series
MB90F455 (S) /F456 (S) /F457 (S)
MB90455 (S) /456 (S) /457 (S) /V495G
MB90455 series devices are general-purpose high-performance 16-bit micro controllers designed for process
control of consumer products, which require high-speed real-time processing.
The system, inheriting the architecture of F
MC* family, employs additional instruction ready for high-level lan-
guages, expanded addressing mode, enhanced multiply-divide instructions, and enriched bit-processing instruc-
tions. Furthermore, employment of 32-bit accumulator achieves processing of long-word data (32 bits).
The peripheral resources of MB90455 series include the following:
8/10-bit A/D converter, UART 1, 8/16-bit PPG timer, 16-bit input-output timer (16-bit free-run timer, input capture
0, 1, 2, 3 (ICU)).
*: "F
MC", an abbreviation for FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller, is a registered trademark of FUJITSU Ltd.

Built-in PLL clock frequency multiplication circuit
Selection of machine clocks (PLL clocks) is allowed among frequency division by two on oscillation clock, and
multiplication of 1 to 4 times of oscillation clock (for 4-MHz oscillation clock, 4 MHz to 16 MHz).
Operation by sub-clock (8.192 kHz) is allowed.
Minimum execution time of instruction: 62.5 ns (when operating with 4-MHz oscillation clock, and 4-time multi-
plied PLL clock).
48-pin plastic-LQFP
MB90455 Series

16 Mbyte CPU memory space
24-bit internal addressing

Instruction system best suited to controller
Wide choice of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word)
Wide choice of addressing modes (23 types)
Enhanced multiply-divide instructions and RETI instructions
Enhanced high-precision computing with 32-bit accumulator

Instruction system compatible with high-level language (C language) and multitask
Employing system stack pointer
Enhanced various pointer indirect instructions
Barrel shift instructions

Increased processing speed
4-byte instruction queue

Powerful interrupt function with 8 levels and 34 factors

Automatic data transfer function independent of CPU
Expanded intelligent I/O service function (EI
OS): Maximum of 16 channels

Low power consumption (standby) mode
Sleep mode (a mode that halts CPU operating clock)
Time-base timer mode (a mode that operates oscillation clock, sub clock, time-base timer and clock timer only)
Clock mode (a mode that operates sub clock and clock timer only)
Stop mode (a mode that stops oscillation clock and sub clock)
CPU blocking operation mode

CMOS technology

I/O port
General-purpose input/output port (CMOS output): 34 ports(MB90F455/F456/F457, MB90455/456/457) (in-
cluding 4 high-current output ports) (When sub clock is not used, 36 ports(MB90F455S/F456S/F457S,

Time-base timer, clock timer, watchdog timer: 1 channel
8/16-bit PPG timer: 8-bit x 4 channels, or 16-bit x 2 channels
16-bit reload timer: 2 channels
16-bit input/output timer
- 16-bit free run timer: 1 channel
- 16-bit input capture: (ICU): 4 channels
Interrupt request is issued upon latching a count value of 16-bit free run timer by detection of an edge on pin

UART 1: 1 channel
Equipped with full-duplex double buffer
Clock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial transmission is available
MB90455 Series

DTP/External interrupt: 4 channels
Module for activation of expanded intelligent I/O service (EI
OS), and generation of external interrupt.

Delay interrupt generator module
Generates interrupt request for task switching.

8/10-bit A/D converter: 8 channels
Resolution is selectable between 8-bit and 10-bit.
Activation by external trigger input is allowed.
Conversion time: 6.125
s (at 16-MHz machine clock, including sampling time)

Program patch function
Address matching detection for 2 address pointers.
MB90455 Series
Part Number
MB90F455 (S) /
F456 (S) /F457 (S)
MB90455 (S) /
456 (S) /457 (S)
Flash ROM
Mask ROM
Evaluation product
ROM capacity
MB90F455 (S) : 24 Kbytes
MB90F456 (S) : 32 Kbytes
MB90F457 (S) : 64 Kbytes
MB90455 (S) : 24 Kbytes
MB90456 (S) : 32 Kbytes
MB90457 (S) : 64 Kbytes
RAM capacity
2 Kbytes
6 Kbytes
MB90F455/F456/F457 :
2 systems
MB90F455S/F456S/F457S :
1 system
MB90455/456/457 :
2 systems
MB90455S/456S/457S :
1 system
2 systems
LQFP-48 (0.50 mm width)
Operating power supply voltage
3.5 V to 5.5 V
4.5 V
5.5 V
Special power supply for
CPU functions
Number of basic instructions
Instruction bit length
Instruction length
Data bit length
: 351 instructions
: 8 bits and 16 bits
: 1 byte to 7 bytes
: 1 bit, 8 bits, 16 bits
Minimum instruction execution time : 62.5 ns (at 16-MHz machine clock)
Interrupt processing time : 1.5
s at minimum (at 16-MHz machine clock)
Low power consumption
(standby) mode
Sleep mode/Clock mode/Time-base timer mode/
Stop mode/CPU intermittent
I/O port
General-purpose input/output ports (CMOS output) : 34 ports (36 ports*
including 4 high-current output ports (P14 to P17)
Time-base timer
18-bit free-run counter
Interrupt cycle : 1.024 ms, 4.096 ms, 16.834 ms, 131.072 ms
(with oscillation clock frequency at 4 MHz)
Watchdog timer
Reset generation cycle: 3.58 ms, 14.33 ms, 57.23 ms, 458.75 ms
(with oscillation clock frequency at 4 MHz)
16-bit input/
output timer
16-bit free-run
Number of channels: 1
Interrupt upon occurrence of overflow
Input capture
Number of channels: 4
Retaining free-run timer value set by pin input (rising edge, falling edge, and
both edges)
16-bit reload timer
Number of channels: 2
16-bit reload timer operation
Count clock cycle: 0.25
s, 0.5
s, 2.0
(at 16-MHz machine clock frequency)
External event count is allowed.
Clock timer
15-bit free-run counter
Interrupt cycle: 31.25 ms, 62.5 ms, 12 ms, 250 ms, 500 ms, 1.0 s, 2.0 s
(with 8.192 kHz sub clock)
MB90455 Series
*1 : Settings of DIP switch S2 for using emulation pod MB2145-507. For details, See MB2145-507 Hardware Manual
(2.7 Power Pin solely for Emulator).
*2 : MB90F455S/F456S/F457S, MB90455S/456S/457S
Part Number
MB90F455 (S) /
F456 (S) /F457 (S)
MB90455 (S) /
456 (S) /457 (S)
8/16-bit PPG timer
Number of channels: 2 (four 8-bit channels are available also)
PPG operation is allowed with four 8-bit channels or one 16-bit channel.
Outputting pulse wave of arbitrary cycle or arbitrary duty is allowed.
Count clock: 62.5 ns to 1
(with 16 MHz machine clock)
Delay interrupt generator
Interrupt generator module for task switching. Used for Real-time OS.
DTP/External interrupt
Number of inputs: 4
Activated by rising edge, falling edge, "H" level or "L" level input.
External interrupt or expanded intelligent I/O service (EI
OS) is available.
8/10-bit A/D converter
Number of channels: 8
Resolution: Selectable 10-bit or 8-bit.
Conversion time: 6.125
s (at 16-MHz machine clock, including sampling time)
Sequential conversion of two or more successive channels is allowed. (Setting
a maximum of 8 channels is allowed.)
Single conversion mode
: Selected channel is converted only once.
Sequential conversion mode: Selected channel is converted repetitively.
Halt conversion mode
: Conversion of selected channel is stopped and
activated alternately.
Number of channels: 1
Clock-synchronous transfer: 62.5 Kbps to 2 Mbps
Clock-asynchronous transfer: 9,615 bps to 500 Kbps
Communication is allowed by bi-directional serial communication function and
master/slave type connection.