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Электронный компонент: USBHOSTCORE

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USB Host Core
Host Core for Universal Se rial Bus Solutions
Ove rview
The USB Host Core, a component of LSI Logic's comprehensive USB solu-
tion set, is a flexible and configurable core that manages and generates the
Universal Serial Bus, providing support of USB peripherals in highly integrat-
ed embedded systems.
Enabling USB in applications such as handheld and palm-size PCs, direct-
print digital cameras, set-top boxes, and industrial control, the USB Host
Core manages the USB system and establishes communications between soft-
ware applications and the corresponding USB peripherals. The Open HCI-
compliant Host Core implements the USB protocol and OHCI register set
and provides a generic FIFO-based interface to the system ASIC application
The USB Host Core simplifies the design
of USB-enabled embedded systems and
system logic.
The USB Host Core is part of a complete
suite of USB cores spanning the entire USB
topology, including peripherals and hub
As an element of LSI Logic's proven
CoreWare library, the USB Host Core is fully
supported by industry-leading design
methodology and complements other cores
in the family.
The USB Host Core simplifies the design of USB-enabled embedded systems and system logic.
USB Host Core
Fe atures
Open HCI Rev 1.0-complaint and USB specifi-
cation Rev 1.1-compliant
Firm implementation; fixed netlist with
flexible layout guidelines
Configurable Root Hub for number of ports
and power switching options
Simple FIFO-based application interface
Integrated Digital PLL
Supports low- and full-speed data rates
SCAN-inserted netlist
Gated clock option
Interfaces with LSI Logic's USB transceiver
Verified functionality and timing in LSI Logic's
ASIC technologies
Simplified Design and Integration
To simplify design integration, the cores are provided in both encrypted RTL
and unencrypted SCAN-inserted netlist forms. RTL speeds the development
of the system ASIC architecture at the behavioral simulation level.
The netlist accelerates the structural implementation, and, with an optimized,
proven, fixed netlist in LSI Logic's ASIC technology, frees the designer to
concentrate on other value-added aspects of the system ASIC.
Cost-Ef fective and Diffe re ntiated USB-Em bedded Products
In addition, by combining the USB Host Core and LSI Logic's USB transceiv-
er I/Os with other CoreWare components and customer-defined logic, design-
ers can quickly create cost-effective and differentiated single-chip USB system
The USB Host Core is part of a complete suite of USB cores spanning the
entire USB topology, including peripherals and hub applications. As an
element of LSI Logic's proven CoreWare library, it is fully supported by
industry-leading design methodology and complements other cores in the
family, including MIPS, ARM, Ethernet, and PCI.
USB Host Core Description
The USB Host Core controls mode operation, frame management and list
processing tasks, operating in conjunction with Host Controller Driver
(HCD) software in the Operating System. The number and power option
support of Root Hub ports can be easily configured to customize the imple-
mentation based on the application requirements. Together with separate
USB transceivers from LSI Logic's I/O library, the USB Host Core provides
a complete solution to create USB-enabled applications.
Ensures Hot Plug and Play interoperability
More flexible layout interface vs. fixed layout
and placement
Performance and gate count optimized for
each application
Eases system-on-a-chip integration
No external components required
Interoperates with all low- and full-speed
Reduces power consumption
Simplifies test verification
External transceiver chip not required
Fast time to market with Right-First-TimeTM
methodology designs
USB Host Core Components
The USB Host Core is composed of the following blocks:
HCI Slave Block
The HCI Slave Block is the slave on the HCI Bus, interfacing the internal
OHCI registers and the application. It processes all writes to and reads from
the OHCI registers implemented within the block.
USB State Control Block
The USB State Control Block generates the Host Controller states as defined
in the OHCI Specification. It also generates control signals to transmit Start
of Frame (SOF) tokens, initiates reset/resume signaling and triggers the List
Processor Block when it is set in the operational state.
Root Hub and Host SIE Block
The Root Hub manages connect/disconnect events through port enable/
disable, device recognition and status reporting mechanisms. The Serial
Interface Engine (SIE) performs parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel data
conversion, clock embedding and recovery, data encoding/decoding and error
checking functions between the Root Hub and the USB.
Root Hub Configuration Block
The Root Hub Configuration Block is a configurable element of the USB
Host Core providing flexibility to set port number and power switching attrib-
utes. From 1-15 Root Hub ports, supporting various power options on a global
and per-port basis, can be implemented.
HCI Master Block
The HCI Master Block is the master on the HCI Bus, managing all reads and
writes from and to system memory initiated by the List Processor Block.
USB Host Core
LSI Logic logo design, ATMized, ATMizer, BitBuster, CAS-
CADE, CoreWare and CoreWare logo design, FlexCore,
G10 and G10 logo design, GigaBlaze, HYDRA, Integra, It
Takes Two To Make One Of A Kind, Logically Speaking,
LSI Links, MiniRISC, MiniSIM, SeriaLink, The System on a
Chip Company and VISC are registered trademarks, and
Cablestream, Cafe, C-MDE, Compacted Array, Cream,
DCAM, DiscRISC, DiskRISK, Espresso, First-Time-Right,
FlexStream and FlexStream logo design, G11 and G11 logo
design, G12 and G12 logo design, Grounds, Hyper-LVDS,
HyperPHY, Internet on a Chip, Merlin, Mint, Mint
Technology, Mint logo design, Mocha, Netcore, Planet LSI,
PowerPlay, Right-First-Time, Scenario, SerialICE, Sugar,
Taking Cameras Digital, TinyRISC, TinySIM and WINS are
trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation. ARM is a registered
trademark of Advanced RISC Machines Limited, used under
license; OakDSPCore is a registered trademark of DSP
Group Inc., used under license; SparKIT is a trademark of
SPARC International, Inc. and is exclusively licensed to LSI
Logic Corporation. All other brand and product names may
be trademarks of their respective companies.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to
any products and services herein at any time without notice.
LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or liability aris-
ing out of the application or use of any product or service
described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by
LSI Logic; nor does the purchase, lease, or use of a product
or service from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent
rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intel-
lectual property rights of LSI Logic or of third parties.
Copyright 1998 by LSI Logic Corporation.
All rights reserved.
For more information please call:
U.S. 1.800.574.4286
Canada 1.800.574.4286
Europe +32.11.300.351
408.433.7700 Dept. JDS
LSI Logic Corporation
North American Headquarters
Milpitas, CA
Tel: 408.433.8000
Fax: 408.433.8989
LSI Logic Europe Ltd
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United Kingdom
Tel: 44.1344.426544
Fax: 44.1344.481039
LSI Logic KK Headquarters
Tokyo, Japan
Tel: 81.3.5463.7821
Fax: 81.3.5463.7820
Order No. 120049
1298.1K.CM.L Printed in USA
ISO 9000 Certified
USB Host Core Components (continued)
List Processor Block
The List Processor Block processes the data transfer lists scheduled by the
HCD according to the priority programmed in the operational registers.
FIFO/FIFO Control Block
The FIFO provides a data buffer between the HCI Master and Root Hub and
Host SIE Blocks with the FIFO/FIFO Controller Block steering data in the
proper direction.
CoreWare Design Program
The CoreWare Design Program enables system-on-a-chip design integration,
delivering unmatched market advantages. It is a proven and complete
methodology, offering the technology and application know-how to put an
entire system on a single chip. Industry-standard functions, or cores, are com-
bined with on-chip memory and user-defined logic to create market-leading,
one-of-a-kind designs efficiently and rapidly.